Guidelines for 拨款申请表格

  • 申请截止日期: 技术-related grant applications should be directed to Kathy Bickerstaff for 技术 review by 2024年1月19日. All general grant applications should be submitted to Kathy Bickerstaff by 2024年2月2日.


    Individuals or teams of individuals employed by 谢尔曼ISD who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services, including but not limited to counselors, 护士, 和图书管理员. All faculty members awarded a grant must submit their project evaluation form by May 25, 2025. Failure to submit the evaluation by the due date will result in all primary participants on the grant being ineligible to apply for grant funding until the evaluation has been received.


    Please ensure that funds for your grant are not included in regular budgetary funds and/or not eligible for reimbursement from other sources. 指令al initiatives may include, 但不限于, 数学和科学实验室, 技术, 美术, 职业与科技, 以及基于互联网的项目. Grants for 技术 will be reviewed by the Director of 技术服务 for compliance prior to submission to the Grant Committee. The number of approved grants will depend on funds available from SEF.

    Notification of Grant Approval/Non-Approval 

    All grant applicants will receive written notification and information via email of the approval or non-approval of their grant.


    Approval of grant applications is based solely on merit of program or project and effectiveness level of supplemental instructional enrichment. 

    • Application form is available on the 谢尔曼ISD website.
    • Title your project using the name of your campus and brief, concise description, such as: 韦克菲尔德-科学捆绑套件.
    • 完成申请后, send a hard copy of the Cover Page ONLY with required signatures to Kathy Bickerstaff. 将填妥的申请表电邮至 kbickerstaff@shermanisd.网.
    • 截止日期 grants that require 技术 周五批准, 2024年1月19日.
    • 截止日期 一般情况下,非技术 申请日期是星期五, 2024年2月2日.
    • 申请将会被审核, 评论, and selected by the Grant Application Selection Committee made up of the Program & Operations Chairperson and at least five appointed Foundation board members. Serving on the committee in a non-voting, advisory role are the 负责人 and Deputy 负责人. The Director of 技术 and 课程 Directors will be included as needed on an advisory basis.

    Suggestions for a Successful Application

    • 校对你的申请! Be sure to correct any spelling or grammar errors!
    • Proofread it again to ensure that it is written so that someone who is not familiar with your project will understand it! It will be helpful to define acronyms and avoid educational terminology.
    • Including photos and/or links to websites affiliated with your request is encouraged.
    • Describe the area of student achievement you wish to address and provide any data that supports the need.
    • 要具体. Keep your statements simple and straightforward.
    • Ensure that the request cannot be included in regular budgetary funds, nor is the request eligible for reimbursement from government funding or other sources.
    • Provide exact pricing and remember to include shipping and handling costs.
    • 按时提交申请.

    Responsibilities of Grant Recipients

    • The grant recipient must use the funds for the purposes intended.
    • Consider providing thank you letters from educator and/or students to share with SEF board members and contributors. (not mandatory, just a suggestion)
    • Be aware that grant materials and/or equipment become the property of 谢尔曼ISD.*
    • Funds must be expensed by the last day of school of the grant year.
    • Complete the Foundation’s evaluation form and include photos, 如果可能的话, and submit it to Kathy Bickerstaff by May 25, 2025.

    *Materials and/or equipment purchased with SEF funds are intended to stay with the campus for which the grant was written. Only upon written approval following receipt of a specific request should materials and/or equipment follow an educator transferring to another campus. In no circumstance will the materials and/or equipment follow an educator if they leave 谢尔曼ISD.
